À propos de Jardin Secret
Chez Jardin Secret, nous sommes fiers de fournir à nos clients des thés biologiques de haute qualité qui apportent de véritables bienfaits pour la santé. Toutes nos feuilles de thé en vrac et tisanes de fleurs ont obtenu la prestigieuse certification biologique Ecocert EU, offrant à nos clients une forte garantie de produits biologiques. Nous sélectionnons soigneusement les meilleures feuilles fraîches des jardins de thé biologiques comme matières premières et les transformons en thé fini par des maîtres de thé expérimentés, garantissant ainsi à nos clients un thé biologique propre, sûr et de haute qualité.
Toutes les feuilles de thé en vrac de la marque Jardin Secret proviennent de jardins individuels, situés à haute altitude, cueillies à la main et en feuilles entières. Cette exigence de qualité stricte permet uniquement à nos clients de découvrir la saveur authentique de chaque thé.
Notre spécialiste du thé Jardin Secret se rend personnellement dans les montagnes de thé en Chine et à Taiwan pour trouver les meilleures feuilles de thé. Grâce à son expertise, à ses exigences strictes en matière de sélection des feuilles de thé et à sa passion pour le thé, nous sommes en mesure de présenter le thé de la plus haute qualité aux connaisseurs et aux clients de Jardin Secret.
Jardin Secret s'engage à fournir à ses clients des feuilles de thé et des tisanes de fleurs biologiques de la plus haute qualité.
Notre recherche incessante de l'excellence dans la sélection des feuilles de thé et notre engagement sincère envers nos clients se reflètent dans la qualité exceptionnelle et la meilleure saveur de nos produits.
Merci d'avoir choisi Jardin Secret. Chaque tasse de thé mérite d'être savourée et vécue.
About the Founder
By Vanessa LEE
Many years ago, after graduating, I gradually became enchanted with the elegant ritual of preparing tea, as someone in my family was engaged in the tea business. Over time, I developed a deep interest in various types of tea. I often sought to understand the different benefits, histories, and various aspects of tea through online resources and books; the knowledge is truly boundless! However, after purchasing a substantial quantity of tea to try at home, I became so engrossed that my daily life became incomplete without tea. Since getting married, after a few years of married life, I frequently find myself with ample free time. Although not wealthy, life has at least been stable and worry-free. As the days pass, a sense of emptiness begins to creep in, making me feel as if I have lost my original self! My parents taught me from a young age the importance of being a kind person and not squandering time, urging me to engage in meaningful pursuits. I found myself thinking, "Operating an organic tea business is indeed a meaningful endeavor! It’s not only aid in people's health but also bring Chinese tea culture to the world!"
Since that time, I have frequently traveled from Thailand back to China to visit various organic tea gardens, which naturally led to exchanges with tea merchants. I have learned a great deal about tea that is not available in the market and have made the acquaintance of many prominent tea traders and friends. I have visited regions such as Guangxi, Guangdong, Guizhou, Yunnan, Fujian, Hangzhou, Anhui, and Wuyi Mountain. My explorations encompassed everything from young tea trees to ancient tea trees; from large-leaf, medium- leaf to small-leaf varieties; considering factors such as planting location, climate, water, soil, cultivation methods, and pest control techniques. Each visit to the tea garden fills me with excitement; dressed in sports shoes and carrying a backpack, I set out early in the morning, listening to the sounds of birds and insects, inhaling the fragrance of flowers and trees while enjoying the beauty of nature as I traverse mountains to reach the tea gardens. Most tea gardens are situated at elevations exceeding a thousand meters—after all, high mountains produce fine tea! After touring the tea garden, it is time to sit in the tea room and savor the teas; I often spend several hours doing so, striving to sample all the teas from the garden. This enables me to compare the flavors and textures of different teas, thereby accumulating valuable experience. As the ancients said: "Reading thousands of books is not as worthwhile as traveling thousands of miles!" Perhaps this embodies the essence of true knowledge.
Subsequently, I resolved to relocate from Thailand back to Hong Kong, and I also obtained certification as an international and Chinese tea specialist . Through this journey, I delved deeper into the techniques of tea brewing, the associated rituals, the history of tea culture, and the concept of “The Way of Tea”. Furthermore, I had the pleasure of meeting a group of like-minded tea specialists,and we frequently exchange knowledge about tea in our daily lives.
What is “The Way of Tea”? “The Way of Tea”, also known as Tea Art, is a traditional cultural art that originated in China, encompassing knowledge and skills related to the preparation, appreciation, utensils, and etiquette of tea.
“The Way of Tea” emphasizes the quality, form, fragrance, and taste of tea, as well as the meticulousness and excellence of tea utensils, etiquette, and environment. It reflects the Eastern cultural pursuit of values such as "harmony," "restraint," and "tranquility." “The Way of Tea” is not merely a culinary culture but also a spiritual pursuit. Advocates of “the Way of Tea” regard tea drinking as a means of self-cultivation and nurturing one's character, striving for inner peace, serenity, and understanding through careful attention to tea leaves, tea water, tea utensils, and etiquette, thus revealing a sense of Zen and profound principles.
The essence of the tea ceremony lies in the principles of etiquette, which require participants to maintain humility, harmony, decorum, complexity, and elegance in the presence of both friends and strangers. This reflects a demeanor and ambiance characteristic of Eastern traditions of propriety.
I strongly agree with Laozi's assertion in the "Tao Te Jing" that "People follows the earth, the earth follows heaven, heaven follows the Dao, and the Dao follows nature." This means that heaven, earth, humanity, and the Dao each occupy an important position in the universe, with these four elements mutually conforming to the natural laws. The Chinese tea ceremony particularly emphasizes the principle of "the Dao follows nature," encompassing the material, behavioral, and spiritual dimensions. "Nature" is the highest criterion of the Dao. In my point of view, enjoying tea in daily life should be a natural, comfortable, and relaxing experience, allowing one to drink as one pleases.
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